U.S. Census - GIS Data
WAGDA and the University of Washington Maps Library houses a wide variety U.S. Census data, data products, and information. Use the links below to navigate to either downloadable data, links to other organizations hosting Census data or general help pertaining to using Census geospatial information. For a comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of some of the various sources, consult the Census Source Table (in pdf format). |
Census Data Download | Additional Census Resources | |
Census Mapping Example | Help and Explanations |
- Download WAGDA Census Geodatabases (1990, 2000, 2010)
- Geodatabases have been compiled containing 1990 and 2000 SF1 and SF3 for the six counties of Puget Sound along with Washington State. 2010 SF1 geodatabases are also avaible for the same areas. Data can be readily mapped at the census tract, blockgroup, and block levels (1990 and 2000). There are also geodatabases for the State of Washington with data and boundaries at the county, metropolitan area, tract, place, and 5-digit ZIP code level areas.
- Census Mapping Example in ArcGIS
- Using the spatial and tabular information that is contained within the Census geodatabases is shown with screen shots. A table is joined to one of the boundary polygon layers to demonstrate how to show the total number of housing units which are present within a blockgroup.
- Using the spatial and tabular information that is contained within the Census geodatabases is shown with screen shots. A table is joined to one of the boundary polygon layers to demonstrate how to show the total number of housing units which are present within a blockgroup.
External U.S. Census Data Resources
- U.S. Census Resources
- WAGDA has U.S. Census information which is available for specific counties and Washington State in staged geodatabases for easy use. If Census information for areas outside of Washington is needed, these links are a starting point for that search. Links to the Census website, organizations hosting historical information of past Census and other resources are highlighted.
- Frequently asked Questions about using Census Data
- Information about commonly asked questions about how to use the WAGDA Census geodatabases, fnding other Census information and how to work with other programs to bring Census information into ArcGIS.
- Information about each Decennial Census Dataset
- Go Further using Census Data