Scripts & Software

Links to helpful applications and scripts. Some of these scripts were developed locally to support viewing DOQQ files provided on WAGDA.We provide them here for those users still using these earlier versions of the ESRI software.




Other Utilities

ArcView 3.x Scripts

Viewing DOQQs in ArcView

When downloading scripts, place the mouse indicator over the download link (i.e. doq_createhdrfile.ave) and do a right mouse click. A pulldown list will display on the screen. Click on "Save target as...". When the Save as dialog box is displayed, place quotation markes on the File name (i.e. "doq_createhdrfile.ave"). Now you are ready to save.

doq_createhdrfile.ave from P. Hurvitz
This updated script will create a hdr file in NAD 83 and asks for a rename of the DOQQ file from to filename_ses.bil (or whatever you want to call it)

doq.createhdrfile_nad27.ave from P. Hurvitz
This updated script will create a hdr file in NAD 27 and asks for a rename of the DOQQ file from to filename_ses.bil (or whatever you want to call it

ArcINFO Scripts

Viewing DOQQs in Arc/Info

  • doq_newhdr.aml
    Contains the (zipped) files to create Arc/Info-readable .hdr file and .bil file from standard uncompressed DOQ/DOQQ file.
  • doq_masshdr.aml
    Contains the (zipped) files to create Arc/Info-readable .hdr file and .bil file from a series of standard uncompressed DOQ/DOQQ files.