GIS Data by Type

Here we link to data hosted on WAGDA categorized by type.


These are links to color orthophotography hosted by WAGDA and on CD-ROM in the Map Collection


There are links to various types of elevation data here including USGS DEMs and Lidar data.

USGS Digital Raster Graphics (DRGs)

These are scanned and georeferenced versions of USGS 1:24000, 1:100000, and
1:250000 topographic maps for use in GIS software.


Links to Census data, third-party Census products, and help utilizing Census data within a GIS Project.

Washington State Parcel Database

Links to Washington State Parcels Working Group from whom a parcel database covering the entire Washington State can be requested by UW students/faculty but not hosted online

Satellite Imagery

Links to satellite imagery hosted on UW Servers and by external parties (mix of fee & free).