Digital Geologic Data for Washington
This data was produced by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Earth Resources, between 1998 and 2000. Please cite the Geologist/Author of the original 1:100,000-scale geologic map and the Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources in your work. The data was originally provided in pre-version 7 ArcInfo coverage format that is no longer accesible in ArcGIS 9. WAGDA has converted the files to shapefile format, defined the files in their original projection - NAD 27 WA State Plane South, and has updated the metadata for individual shapefiles and tables. Brief file descriptions are listed at the bottom of this page - please consult the original narrative metadata for additional information.
DOWNLOAD - WA basemap and grid, metadata text and dbf files, and dbf lookup tables.
Click on the map or select the quad name from the list below to download geology layers for that quad.

File name descriptions (individual quads do not necessarily have all of these files associated with them):
- Gunit - the main geological spatial data. It contains both polygon information describing geologic units and arc information describing the contacts between geologic units.
- Gfault - faults and descriptive data.
- Gfold - fold axes and descriptive data.
- Gattud - attitude measurement points (such as strike and dip and foliation) and descriptive data.
- Gdtsmpl - age date sample location points (fossil or radiometric age estimates) and descriptive data.
- Gvent - locations of volcanic vents and eruptive centers and descriptive data.
- Gdike - individual igneous dikes and descriptive data.
- Gdikeswarm - polygons that enclose areas where igneous dikes are too numerous to show as individual arcs.
- Gunitpt - point locations and descriptive data for geologic polygons that are important, but due to map scale, too small to show as polygons.
- Gunitln - This coverage contains arcs representing geologic units that, due to map scale, are too thin to represent as polygons. Also included are isograd lines, glacial moraines, and lines showing the limits of continental glaciations.